Each month we introduce you to one of our incredible Branson
School Online teachers.
Our Feature Teacher for the month of February is:
Julie True
Mrs. True
teaches 2nd and 3rd grades for Branson School Online. Read on to learn more
about this talented BSO teacher.
Years Teaching: 20 years
Years with BSO: 15th year
Favorite food: Green Curri
Favorite color: Green... M&M green
Pets: Buddy...a very old Lhasa Apso
Hobbies: Run, be outside, and snowshoe
What do you love about teaching? I like knowing I'm
making an impact on someone's life.
What do you love about teaching with Branson? I
like that students have more time to pursue extra-curricular
activities if they choose.
Favorite season: Summer has to be my
favorite season because you can be outside all the time! I'm a Southern
California girl!
Favorite place you have traveled to:
Switzerland was probably the prettiest place I've ever been.
# 1 item on your bucket list: I'm really up for anything! I never want
to wish my life away.
Favorite book/author: If I had to choose, my favorite
book would definitely be a children's book; I’m always reading them with and
for students. "The Martian" is a great grown-up book though!
Favorite sport: I love gymnastics, but I think I like
watching the Broncos the best.